Monday, November 24, 2008

Classic Projects (Chapter 14)

This chapter deals primarily with the classic built of LEGO NXT robot. Although the techniques can be unexciting for people who want to build some awesome walking anthropomorphic robot, they are still useful. One technique is to use an ultrasonic sensor to detect an edge. By placing the sensor towards the ground level, it will allow robot to detect an edge as there is a change in distance between the sensor and the surface of he floor. Another technique is to build a steering assembly, which consists of mainly the caster wheel and the ability for it to rotate. The main function for this assembly is, as the name suggested, allowing the robot to turn. By allowing the robot to turn, it unlocks multiple functions, such as line tracking and obstacle detection. Of course, that will also require the placement of ultrasonic sensor and light sensor in order for the robot to function properly. Overall, the classic technique in building the robot plays an essential role in allowing it to perform versatile and diverse functions.


Navid said...

I really like your summeries; explaining one chapter in 10 lines in such a way that it is easy to understand for anybody who has not read the chapter is not very easy. "Good Job Again" I have to say!

l.clark said...

Interesting summary, very clear and brief overview. Your explanation helped me to understand the front wheel steering system mentioned in the chapter.

a_kennedy said...

uh... at the risk of sounding envious, why the heck didyou use the word anthropomorphic?
just sounds TOO smartish

ps: nice job!